Thursday, October 05, 2006
Rant 9 - ?
I've lost it some how some where I've lost it. Maybe walking the busy streets on New York, or slaving away in a job I thought I loved and was appreciated for. Whats happened? Does it always seem to slip away like this? Un-noticed. Quietly. Slowly. You wake up someday and its gone, and you never know what happened. You spend hours days weeks months years wondering what happened. Everyone around you seems the same but you are somehow different. Skewed. Transitioning from one part of your life to another as seemless as walking through a door and looking back through the glass at what used to be. Unable to get back to where you were.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Rant 8 - Really?
This guy is the poster child for pedophilia, there is no doubt about that. But shit all you had to do was hear him talk and and read between the media's skewed lines and you could tell he is just an obsessed nut job. Its unfortunate that his mother didn't finish the job.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Rant 7 - So what?
So I have been reading some other blogs and JESUS CHRIST there is a lot of stupid shit out there. Yes I may take a little time between posts but at least mine are post worthy.
Some fuck nuts actually took the time to write "I got up at 9 and went and lay by the pool for 45 minutes today." and that was it for the post, nothing else. Who the fuck cares! I left a comment that said something like "get back to us as soon as you decide to blow your fucking head off, that I might want to read."
And another one was about a tater-tot eating contest (way to blog Thomas). If it was a see how many tater-tots I can stuff into my sinus cavity (or any other bodily orifice where tater-tots don't belong) that would have been interesting. Of course there was a disclaimer to not do this alone in case you choke.
Do us all a favor?
Do it alone next time pal.
Some fuck nuts actually took the time to write "I got up at 9 and went and lay by the pool for 45 minutes today." and that was it for the post, nothing else. Who the fuck cares! I left a comment that said something like "get back to us as soon as you decide to blow your fucking head off, that I might want to read."
And another one was about a tater-tot eating contest (way to blog Thomas). If it was a see how many tater-tots I can stuff into my sinus cavity (or any other bodily orifice where tater-tots don't belong) that would have been interesting. Of course there was a disclaimer to not do this alone in case you choke.
Do us all a favor?
Do it alone next time pal.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Rant 6 - Special Request
I don't normally do this but I had a special request for a Rant. Normally if one were to ask me "Oh great one, please do us the kind favor of letting us bestow our retched eyes on one of your works of art?" "Fuck you peon" is more often than not my reply. But since this is an old dear friend I thought, "What the hell".
We have this friend that when it comes to women is the biggest whiniest bitch on the face of the planet. I threw a party a few weeks back and he declined to attend because he had gotten in a fight with his little sister, no wait his daughter, well whoever the fuck she is she is young enough to be either one of them. I mean she just finished suckling on the teat of her mother, and Thomas is trying to hit it. Actually he wasn't trying to hit it and that's part of the problem. A piece like that? Come on Thomas. I've told him time and again quite being so nice to women, they like assholes. I'm an asshole and somebody was fool enough to marry me! Now I have someone that cleans the house, cleans the dishes, and does my laundry. I even on occasion get laid and it doesn't cost me any thing! My point is there's more pretty girls than one.
We have this friend that when it comes to women is the biggest whiniest bitch on the face of the planet. I threw a party a few weeks back and he declined to attend because he had gotten in a fight with his little sister, no wait his daughter, well whoever the fuck she is she is young enough to be either one of them. I mean she just finished suckling on the teat of her mother, and Thomas is trying to hit it. Actually he wasn't trying to hit it and that's part of the problem. A piece like that? Come on Thomas. I've told him time and again quite being so nice to women, they like assholes. I'm an asshole and somebody was fool enough to marry me! Now I have someone that cleans the house, cleans the dishes, and does my laundry. I even on occasion get laid and it doesn't cost me any thing! My point is there's more pretty girls than one.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Rant 5
Instead of the illegals here trying to fight for rights they should be in Mexico fighting to get better jobs, a government that is not corrupt, taking back their homes and streets from drug dealers. Don't come to the U.S. and bitch about wanting a fair shake when you can't stand up for yourselves in your homeland.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Rant 4
Alright, screw you Cynthia McKinney. Because you are an elected official, a person voted into office by the people of the district in which you live, you are automatically held to a higher standard. Being an elected official does not in any way shape or form grant you rights that are above and beyond that of an ordinary citizen. If a police officer asks you to stop, you stop, simple as that, whether he fails to recognize you or not. It is his duty to protect the members of Congress as well as citizens who are visiting Capitol Hill. In asking someone he did not recognize, and someone who was not wearing the lapel pin that members of Congress are supposed to wear, he was doing his job. Also her failure to stop increased his suspicion of her actions.
Cynthia McKinney turned what could have been a simple misunderstanding into a national incident. All she had to do was stop give the cop her ID and then be on her merry way, but no, she is Cynthia McKinney a "female, black, congresswomen" and she should be allowed to assault people whenever she feels threatened.
She also has to play the race card. I am so sick of every time a white cop stops a black person its because he is racist. White people are always being blamed for the black peoples woes. You know what that sounds like? Nazi Germany. The Nazi's blamed the Jewish people for all of the blond blue eyed German problems. And where did that lead us? It lead us to the extermination of six million Jews and World War 2.
Why don't you take a little responsibility for yourself and your predicament. Rosa Parks did, Martin Luther King did. They asked for and fought for equality not reparations. That's another thing, I didn't own any slaves, maybe my ancestors did but I didn't, why should my tax dollars be given to people that are as far removed from slavery as I am. Besides it has been well documented that the money would be wasted. Look what happened in New Orleans. People are trapped in the city, houses destroyed, and they are stealing televisions. What the fuck? Then FEMA and the Red Cross give them credit cards and they spend the money on strippers and jewelry and other non essential items.
So, Cynthia McKinney, you get the "Poor Baby" of the week award for failing to do what every other citizen in the United States is supposed to do!
Cynthia McKinney turned what could have been a simple misunderstanding into a national incident. All she had to do was stop give the cop her ID and then be on her merry way, but no, she is Cynthia McKinney a "female, black, congresswomen" and she should be allowed to assault people whenever she feels threatened.
She also has to play the race card. I am so sick of every time a white cop stops a black person its because he is racist. White people are always being blamed for the black peoples woes. You know what that sounds like? Nazi Germany. The Nazi's blamed the Jewish people for all of the blond blue eyed German problems. And where did that lead us? It lead us to the extermination of six million Jews and World War 2.
Why don't you take a little responsibility for yourself and your predicament. Rosa Parks did, Martin Luther King did. They asked for and fought for equality not reparations. That's another thing, I didn't own any slaves, maybe my ancestors did but I didn't, why should my tax dollars be given to people that are as far removed from slavery as I am. Besides it has been well documented that the money would be wasted. Look what happened in New Orleans. People are trapped in the city, houses destroyed, and they are stealing televisions. What the fuck? Then FEMA and the Red Cross give them credit cards and they spend the money on strippers and jewelry and other non essential items.
So, Cynthia McKinney, you get the "Poor Baby" of the week award for failing to do what every other citizen in the United States is supposed to do!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Rant 3
There has always been a big stink about illegal immigrants in this country, should we let them stay or should we kick them out. I say let them stay and apply for legal status. I am a first generation immigrant, my parents came to the US when I was 4 and we came here legally. We struggled hard in the beginning and it was tough but our family succeeded.
People in the US are always pissing and moaning because they say illegal immigrants take jobs away from US citizens. I say FUCK YOU! Most of the jobs they take are jobs that nobody in the US are willing to do. They pick fruits and vegetables, they wash our cars, take care of our children and all kinds of other jobs. If we set up a guest worker system, and did background checks etc. It would be easier to keep track of these people and make sure they pay their taxes. It should also be a requirement to ensure they learn to speak English.
This doesn't mean I like illegal immigrants though.
Earlier this week the big news was the student walk outs around the country. Fuck them, the stupid little pieces of shit. Most of them couldn't tell you why they were walking out, they just thought it would be a good way to get out of school for the day. All the news channels were saying that now congress would have to wake up and start listening to the Hispanic population, and the students. BULLSHIT! Most of the students were under 18 so they can't vote and if their parents are illegal then they can't vote either. So who fucking cares? Those stupid Mexican kids should have stayed in class and actually learned something rather than playing in the fucking pool at city hall. The drop out rate for Hispanics in Texas is over 50% and they consistently score lower on standardized tests.
Why you ask? Because they have grown up in America land of the fat and lazy. Where it's not good enough for you to go out and work for a living you have to have everything handed to you. Where the only thing that matters is the bottom line.
People in the US are always pissing and moaning because they say illegal immigrants take jobs away from US citizens. I say FUCK YOU! Most of the jobs they take are jobs that nobody in the US are willing to do. They pick fruits and vegetables, they wash our cars, take care of our children and all kinds of other jobs. If we set up a guest worker system, and did background checks etc. It would be easier to keep track of these people and make sure they pay their taxes. It should also be a requirement to ensure they learn to speak English.
This doesn't mean I like illegal immigrants though.
Earlier this week the big news was the student walk outs around the country. Fuck them, the stupid little pieces of shit. Most of them couldn't tell you why they were walking out, they just thought it would be a good way to get out of school for the day. All the news channels were saying that now congress would have to wake up and start listening to the Hispanic population, and the students. BULLSHIT! Most of the students were under 18 so they can't vote and if their parents are illegal then they can't vote either. So who fucking cares? Those stupid Mexican kids should have stayed in class and actually learned something rather than playing in the fucking pool at city hall. The drop out rate for Hispanics in Texas is over 50% and they consistently score lower on standardized tests.
Why you ask? Because they have grown up in America land of the fat and lazy. Where it's not good enough for you to go out and work for a living you have to have everything handed to you. Where the only thing that matters is the bottom line.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Rant 2
So I was in my favorite store the other day and I had to take a shit. I hate going number 2 in a public restroom its just wrong. So I walk in squeezing my ass cheeks together and all of the stalls are being used, even the handicapped one. The only thing handicapped about the jack ass in there was his flatulence. A stall cleared and I made my way over to it. I was not about to sit on a toilet seat that had just been occupied by some old geezer so I was relieved to see that they had the toilet seat covers. I am fully aware that it is just the tiniest slip of paper separating my ass from the seat but it is the illusion that I am not sitting on the seat that counts.
I pull out a cover and carefully detach the center ring, and place it gingerly on the toilet seat. I turned around and started to pull down my pants when I heard this whoosh! When I looked at the toilet the cover was gone. I placed another on the seat turned around and whoosh, a second was gone. Now I was getting mad. Mother fucking toilet stealing my covers? I placed a third and, you guessed it whoosh. It was only then that I realized that it was one of those self flushing toilets. I ended up squatting like a fucking dog, cause there was no way my ass was going to touch the still warm toilet seat.
This just goes to show you what a lazy good for nothing society we live in. Its ok to have a urinal be auto flush because unless your some kind of contortionist you can't get your foot that high, but a regular toilet any one can reach. Its a sad statement that you have to install auto-flushers, because most people are too goddamn lazy to flush the toilet themselves.
Here's another problem with the auto-flusher. What if you want to inspect your movement? You might have lost some internal organ, or passed something that a guy named Pedro needs delivered. You can't do that if the second your ass is off the seat, the toilet flushes. Do you think Pedro will like that excuse if he doesn't get his shipment? What if you needed to know the last time you ate corn?
I pull out a cover and carefully detach the center ring, and place it gingerly on the toilet seat. I turned around and started to pull down my pants when I heard this whoosh! When I looked at the toilet the cover was gone. I placed another on the seat turned around and whoosh, a second was gone. Now I was getting mad. Mother fucking toilet stealing my covers? I placed a third and, you guessed it whoosh. It was only then that I realized that it was one of those self flushing toilets. I ended up squatting like a fucking dog, cause there was no way my ass was going to touch the still warm toilet seat.
This just goes to show you what a lazy good for nothing society we live in. Its ok to have a urinal be auto flush because unless your some kind of contortionist you can't get your foot that high, but a regular toilet any one can reach. Its a sad statement that you have to install auto-flushers, because most people are too goddamn lazy to flush the toilet themselves.
Here's another problem with the auto-flusher. What if you want to inspect your movement? You might have lost some internal organ, or passed something that a guy named Pedro needs delivered. You can't do that if the second your ass is off the seat, the toilet flushes. Do you think Pedro will like that excuse if he doesn't get his shipment? What if you needed to know the last time you ate corn?
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Rant 1
I am so tired of working with these customers that like to think that they know what they are talking about because they have a video camera and a computer. Most of them are so far way from reality in that aspect that it sickens me.
Take these morons today. They spent several thousand dollars renting a camera and shooting the precious daughter of one of them, but it all looked like shit and sounded like shit. Half the time it was the "blair witch project" half the time it was just the fucking floor "OOOOOHHH look at how pretty Brenda is. OOO listen to how good she sounds." Yeah like an elephant giving birth.
And then this other guy who spent thousands of dollars of company money on equipment to "produce quality videos" and then shoots it all outside on a noisy fucking street and then comes to me and begs me to help him fix it. Sure I can fix it give me the fucking camera and you lock yourself in a closet, tool.
It's great that there are these advancements because it, in most cases, makes my job easier but then you get these people, and suddenly you are an ass because you want to charge them money for something they think they can do at home. "Well I have a DVD burner at home can't I just edit there?" Yes fuck nuts but it will look and sound like shit, but who fucking cares cause Aunt Mille will be so impressed that she'll just lay down and spread 'em for you. Fuck you.
I am also tired of every yokel that walks in the door and wants their shitty home videos done for less than other people want to pay for them. And then there is the ever popular question,"Now I can just put this DVD in my computer and edit it right?" If you could do that you dildo then why the fuck are you asking me. "Yes Ma'am if you have the right software and half a mother fucking brain."
Take these morons today. They spent several thousand dollars renting a camera and shooting the precious daughter of one of them, but it all looked like shit and sounded like shit. Half the time it was the "blair witch project" half the time it was just the fucking floor "OOOOOHHH look at how pretty Brenda is. OOO listen to how good she sounds." Yeah like an elephant giving birth.
And then this other guy who spent thousands of dollars of company money on equipment to "produce quality videos" and then shoots it all outside on a noisy fucking street and then comes to me and begs me to help him fix it. Sure I can fix it give me the fucking camera and you lock yourself in a closet, tool.
It's great that there are these advancements because it, in most cases, makes my job easier but then you get these people, and suddenly you are an ass because you want to charge them money for something they think they can do at home. "Well I have a DVD burner at home can't I just edit there?" Yes fuck nuts but it will look and sound like shit, but who fucking cares cause Aunt Mille will be so impressed that she'll just lay down and spread 'em for you. Fuck you.
I am also tired of every yokel that walks in the door and wants their shitty home videos done for less than other people want to pay for them. And then there is the ever popular question,"Now I can just put this DVD in my computer and edit it right?" If you could do that you dildo then why the fuck are you asking me. "Yes Ma'am if you have the right software and half a mother fucking brain."
Who likes hippies anyway?
Ok, here is the deal. I actually have a life and Al, well Al is Al lets just leave it at that. I am not sitting in my big ass fancy house driving my new mercedes around a town where half the population are poor starving hippies, mexicans and indians. Ok we'll leave the hippies out of the equation because who likes hippies anyway. Nor am I on the golf course supporting the turf and fertilizer industry, who are well known polluters of our streams, lakes and rivers. For that matter I have a lush green lawn where I am SUPPOSED to have one, not in the FUCKING DESERT. What kind of slack jawed yokle has a water sucking lawn in a desert. You do fucker. You know who I am talking about.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
Fishing is Life
I've been in a little bit of a funk lately. Yes Diane Sawyer had a little to do with it but I think there is a deeper reason. It has taken me a little while to figure out but I've fianlly got my finger on it. Fishing, I miss fishing. It has been a little too cold to go out in the kayak, so I have been cooped up in the house getting all of my gear ready for the first nice warm day. Sure there have been some warm days, but they all seem to fall during the week. When Staurday and Sunday come around its too cool and windy. The fishing I miss the most is trout fishing. I miss being on a high mountain stream in New Mexico casting to those beautiful sparkling fish. The cast the drift the swirl the fish on the fly, tight line. John Gierach once wrote, "After all the one place you almost always want to be is on a trout stream with a fly rod. Once you're actually there, it seems unreasonable to impose further conditions."
What more can be said?
What more can be said?
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Screw you Diane Sawyer
So I woke up the other morning to that sick smiling face of Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America, and I hear her say through the foggy haze of sleep, that January 24 is the most depressing day of the year. Screw you! Thats my birthday! How dare she say something like that on National TV! It set the tone for the rest of the day. It was one disaster after another. An interview went poorly, I fought with my wife, I got shitty news from a friend, and I turned one year older. This just goes to show the complete irresponsibility of the media today.
Is it sensational? Is it complete and utter schlock? Is it trashy gossip about some beautiful movie star? Then by god its news! It would have been tolerable had she said it once, but no she repeats it again, and again, and again. Thanks a lot you washed up Ms. America weather girl has been. You have yourself a nice day.
Is it sensational? Is it complete and utter schlock? Is it trashy gossip about some beautiful movie star? Then by god its news! It would have been tolerable had she said it once, but no she repeats it again, and again, and again. Thanks a lot you washed up Ms. America weather girl has been. You have yourself a nice day.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
For Terry's amusement
I am sure you will like all the videos where a guy gets hit in the nuts.
I am sure you will like all the videos where a guy gets hit in the nuts.
What if Jesus Came back? Post your comments
If Jesus Came Back
Modern day United States, Bible belt.
“Son” The Preacher said, “we can help you release those demons in your head!”
“Demons, what demons? I am Jesus Christ the only son of God,” said Jesus the Son of God.
“Blasphemer! How dare you say that about our sacred Lord God! Jesus Christ himself will strike you down and you will be lost to hell if you don’t recant!”
“ Sweet, misguided sir, you don’t seem to understand, I am the son of God, returned to earth to bring peace and good will to all mankind. You have been killing, and hating one another for far too long and it is time for reckoning.”
“Okay ‘Heysoos’, you Mexicans think you can come to our country and take our jobs and our God? You are sorely mistaken. The one thing that is giving you away ‘Heysoos’ is not your words of love and peace but its that dark oily skin and black hair. Come on it is well known that our Lord Jesus was fair skinned”
“Brother,” said Jesus “ I was born in what you now call the Middle East, my appearance is what it should be, for one of such a land.”
At this point The Preacher’s bloated face, turned crimson with anger. He grabbed his perfectly quaffed hair and began to shake violently. “I feel the power of the Lord coming into me!” he spat. Flecks of spittle flew through the air and landed all over Jesus’ face. Jesus sat calmly while the portly preacher, contorted and twisted his features into a mask of contempt.
“So that’s it!” He screamed full into the face of the man before him, “You, you heathen, you ungodly dirty Arab! How dare you posture yourself as the champion and founder of Christianity! I have preached against the likes of you for years! You people are doing Satan’s bidding, killing peaceful women and children with your suicide bombs, and insurgent attacks, all the while praying to the false God, Allah. I know your tricks Satan, I have been tempted one too many times!”
“Sir’, said Jesus in a calm peaceful tone of voice cutting off The Preacher’s tirade, “I know of all the times you have been tempted. I was there when you took the money and spent it on that fancy car, saying that you needed it to do the Lords work. I was there when you took that young girl into the storeroom and said that Jesus would be proud, and that you were doing the Lords work, all the while she cried. She has spoken to me and told me of her feelings of shame and regret. I have also heard you speak out against Jews, and Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims, and many other religions. I have come today to set the record straight. It is not I you should be worshipping, it is the way I lived my life. It is how I spoke to people, not what I said that matters. It is the deeds I performed for others, not for myself. That is what you missed. In all your years of preaching and spreading the “Word” you refused to follow in my footsteps. In your blindness, your one-sidedness, your contempt and hatred for the beliefs of others, you missed the common thread, which could have solved the world’s problems. Ponder it for a while and see if you can tell me what it is.
Can you?
Modern day United States, Bible belt.
“Son” The Preacher said, “we can help you release those demons in your head!”
“Demons, what demons? I am Jesus Christ the only son of God,” said Jesus the Son of God.
“Blasphemer! How dare you say that about our sacred Lord God! Jesus Christ himself will strike you down and you will be lost to hell if you don’t recant!”
“ Sweet, misguided sir, you don’t seem to understand, I am the son of God, returned to earth to bring peace and good will to all mankind. You have been killing, and hating one another for far too long and it is time for reckoning.”
“Okay ‘Heysoos’, you Mexicans think you can come to our country and take our jobs and our God? You are sorely mistaken. The one thing that is giving you away ‘Heysoos’ is not your words of love and peace but its that dark oily skin and black hair. Come on it is well known that our Lord Jesus was fair skinned”
“Brother,” said Jesus “ I was born in what you now call the Middle East, my appearance is what it should be, for one of such a land.”
At this point The Preacher’s bloated face, turned crimson with anger. He grabbed his perfectly quaffed hair and began to shake violently. “I feel the power of the Lord coming into me!” he spat. Flecks of spittle flew through the air and landed all over Jesus’ face. Jesus sat calmly while the portly preacher, contorted and twisted his features into a mask of contempt.
“So that’s it!” He screamed full into the face of the man before him, “You, you heathen, you ungodly dirty Arab! How dare you posture yourself as the champion and founder of Christianity! I have preached against the likes of you for years! You people are doing Satan’s bidding, killing peaceful women and children with your suicide bombs, and insurgent attacks, all the while praying to the false God, Allah. I know your tricks Satan, I have been tempted one too many times!”
“Sir’, said Jesus in a calm peaceful tone of voice cutting off The Preacher’s tirade, “I know of all the times you have been tempted. I was there when you took the money and spent it on that fancy car, saying that you needed it to do the Lords work. I was there when you took that young girl into the storeroom and said that Jesus would be proud, and that you were doing the Lords work, all the while she cried. She has spoken to me and told me of her feelings of shame and regret. I have also heard you speak out against Jews, and Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims, and many other religions. I have come today to set the record straight. It is not I you should be worshipping, it is the way I lived my life. It is how I spoke to people, not what I said that matters. It is the deeds I performed for others, not for myself. That is what you missed. In all your years of preaching and spreading the “Word” you refused to follow in my footsteps. In your blindness, your one-sidedness, your contempt and hatred for the beliefs of others, you missed the common thread, which could have solved the world’s problems. Ponder it for a while and see if you can tell me what it is.
Can you?
Friday, January 13, 2006
F You Terry
So now that I am all relaxed it's time to say a hearty Fuck you Terry.
I am lambasted constantly by your inane comments. Yes sometimes it takes me a long time to post an update, but some things are better left unsaid. I am attempting to be a little sesquipedalian, but it is not working out like I would like.
You said it man, nobody fucks with the Grantis.
I am lambasted constantly by your inane comments. Yes sometimes it takes me a long time to post an update, but some things are better left unsaid. I am attempting to be a little sesquipedalian, but it is not working out like I would like.
You said it man, nobody fucks with the Grantis.
Relaxation Therapy
I feel better now.
I feel better now.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Surprise Surprise
You scored as Biology. You should be a Biology major! You are passionate about the sciences, and you enjoy studying cell growth and evolutionary concepts which enable living organisms to survive. Pursue that!
What is your Perfect Major? created with |
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
The Picto-Personality Test![]() When alone, you like to spend your time doing something that will better yourself. You are romantic, and when you are with your partner you like to woo them with your imagination. In the future you will be happy and live richly. |
Take this Test at |
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