Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Big Al In Cow Town

So my buddy Big Al was in town over the weekend and I am always amazed (I don't know why) that everywhere he goes he stands out. We went to breakfast and he was wearing this crazy Fargo/Seasons Greetings/Christmas hat, and everyone in the place wants to know where he got it. I am assuming that he will say some cool thrift store in Houston or some small town clothing center, but no. He got it at Wallgreens! That consumer bastard! And after he says where he purchased the hat he spouts proudly that it was only $4.99 (4.98 at wal mart). I was saddend to say the least. I expected some remarkable story of how the hat came to be in his posession. Something involving children or drunken behavior, but no he got it at Wallgreens! Why don't you tell all the nice people where you got that leopard print belt Big Al?


Anonymous said...

Now that's a great post Grantis. I always love it when al is caught in his BS (i'm not a consumer - what the fuck!!!! Walgreens? and 12 cars that are gas guzzling fart belching behemouths) that Piece of Shit. Al come on. Please stop the gregarious judgements and accept who you really are.remember, Enlightenment is the emergence of man from the immaturity for which he himself is responsible.

Anonymous said...

anonymous is terry and the quote is Kant.

Anonymous said...

Actually I am possesed by Sam Walton...thus I am truely myself when in Non-consumer mode and I am possesed when I am at retail chain stores....

Also I eat frozen dinners every day!!!\


Anonymous said...

Oh and the belt....I found this group of school boys beating up on a little girl, so I ran in there and stole her belt, all the while trying to avoid being kicked by the boys.

It was a close call...I almost couldn't get her to let go of the belt...