Friday, June 27, 2008

Rant 20 - RISD fires, sues employee hit by van on campus

You can read the full story here.

I hereby renounce my affiliation with the city of Richardson and Richardson ISD. I grew up in Richardson and attended RISD schools and you can see what wonderful schools they are. But after seeing this story on the news last night I am disgusted beyond words. Anyone who has seen "SiCKO" knows the state of health care in the US and by now we have come to expect that Workers Comp in the state of Texas is completely inadequate. What really burns me up about this story though is that the fucking RISD not only fired the guy because he couldn't work due to his injuries, but now they are suing him to recover the cost of his treatment from his work related injuries! What the hell did he pay insurance for? Money came out of his paycheck, as well as thousands of other RISD employees, every month and went to the insurance company. Another thing that pisses me off is when you watch the video of the deposition the scumbag lawyers confuse and harass this guy (who is autistic). You people should be ashamed of yourselves; first for even agreeing to take this case, and second for treating this guy with so little respect.
I am astonished that this guy or some other blood sucking lawyer isn't counter suing the RISD and the van driver's insurance, after all he was hit by a car on school property.

I think the RISD and the lawyers that work for them deserve the "Shit Head" of the year award.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A momentous occasion!

The Supreme Court upheld the Second Amendment today. Read the decision here.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rant 19 - Boo Hoo

So after reading this news story I thought to myself, "Boo fucking hoo lady!" What about all of the other paying passengers on that plane? Should they all suffer because of your crying, out of control child? Yes, yes, the child is autistic, and doesn't process information like a normal child, but what fucking two year old hell spawn can process information? Especially in this day and age when it is thought to be more appropriate to coddle and give in to a child's tantrums than to pull out your belt and beat the living daylights out of them. Furthermore, this hag is throwing in the fact that her child is autistic to gain sympathy, plain and simple.

Lets face it we are raising a nation of pussies. 20 years from now Iran or North Korea or some other whacked out fundamentalist shit hole country will begin to threaten us and we'll ask them in our nice voice to "Calm down or your going to have to sit in the naughty seat." or "I think you just need a hug" Fuck that, just push the button, thats what its there for.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Rant 18 - Good!

Well it's about time that some one stood up and said enough is enough. What I'm curious about is why none of these stars have turned the tables on the paparazzi? If I was famous I would hire a photographer to follow the photographer around. Stand outside of his house and take pictures of his wife and kids, go through his garbage, camp outside of his house for days on end and just generally harass him.
The only problem would be that I, and the photographer I hired, would get slapped with a restraining order or arrested for harassment. But these tools get way with it because some bored fucking housewife in Pierre, South Dakota, just has to see what or who, Jennifer Aniston is fucking this week. So she can fantasize about her life with Brad.

For all of you George Clooney fans, here is a great candid shot.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Holy crap! It has been so long since I posted to this thing! I remember when I started this blog I said "Shit if Al can do it I can do it" Well it looks like it's not as easy as I thought. I just don't do it enough. There are plenty of things that piss me off and I want to spout about them but sometimes it is just too tedious. Any way there is no reason I can't do weekly updates, I really only work 20-30 hours a week at this stupid job, so I have plenty of time.