Monday, June 04, 2007

Rant 17 - Democracy?

I am telling people to vote "No" for Hillary Clinton. We had one term president George H.W. Bush, then two terms of Bill Clinton, now two more terms from George W. Bush.
Since when did the United States become an oligarchy? I thought this country was a democracy but I am clearly wrong. In order to become the president of the United States you now have to be related to, or married to a former president. We are one step away from a monarchy. I should actually correct myself we already are an oligarchy, we will definitely become an oligarchy if Hillary Clinton becomes president.

Don't get me wrong I am all for a female president. There have been some great female leaders in the world. Margaret Thatcher of the UK, Golda Meier of Israel as well as others. But in my opinion we need a break from the Clinton's and the Bush's. I don't care who becomes the President (to some extent) dig up Mother Theresa for all I care. Just stop the madness!

It is bad enough that in order to even be considered a contender for the Office, you have to raise millions upon millions of dollars, and a good egg like Roger Dunn couldn't even get press time because he doesn't have any money!

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