Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Rant 13 - 30 Rock
This has to be one of the funniest shows on TV. I have always wanted to watch it and finally started while at work. You can catch past episodes on line here .
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Rant 12 - Jet Blue Sucks

There was another news story similar to this one few weeks ago were people were stranded on an American Airlines plane for 8 or 12 hours. Who do the Airlines think they are? It is equivalent to locking customers in a store and refusing to let them out and refusing to let them use the restroom. Its bullshit! I would be so pissed off that I would just open the fucking door and slide down the goddamn slide. Who cares if I go to the clink, at least I'd get some food and a place to take a shit. Try and keep me on the plane fuckers! I don't know whats worse the Airlines doing this to people or the people letting the airlines get away with it.
Rant 11 - U2 and Rolling Stones, hypocrites

So I found this news story today. Rich people will do any thing to make sure they don't do their part to help society out. U2 made 389 million dollars on their last tour and the Rolling Stones made 425 million dollars on their 2006 tour. Using the Netherlands as a Tax shelter they had to pay about 1% in taxes. What really pisses me off is that Bono, who preaches to, and chastises governments all over the world for their lack of funding for AIDS help, could almost single- handedly fund the search for the cure or at least fund medication for those already infected. My favorite part of the story is that Coca-Cola pays Coca-Cola to use the name Coca-Cola on its products. All to avoid paying taxes. And we wonder why the world is in the mess that it is.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Rant 10 - Presidential Campaign
So I was Listening to NPR this morning and they were discussing the money that would be needed for the candidates to even be considered as possibilities. The interview was with Hillary Clinton's
campaign chair, Former Democratic Party Chairman Terry McAuliffe, he was the Party Chairman during Bill Clinton's administration.
Any way, McAuliff stated that to be even a minor contender that one would have to raise $35,000,000 this year; this number does not include the money needed for 2008!. How can any independent seriously make an attempt to run for the presidency when you need that sort of cash flow? It just somehow doesn't seem right does it? Our government is supposed to, be of the people, by the people, and for the people. How can that be when a minority "of the people" have so much of the money? There are those of you that will argue that anyone can raise money for a campaign, but you have to keep in mind the old adage "you have to spend money to make money". Without a large source of income or winning the lottery how is the average US citizen supposed to procure large sums of cash needed to to get a campaign rolling? Sure, there are plenty of people that run for an elected office without any money but how many actually win? You often hear about the underdog candidate on the news but the story is always presented with such a folksy tone that no-one ends up taking the candidate seriously. Recently Texas had its election for Governor. There were four candidates each with varying amounts in their campaign funds, and the winner was the one with the most money. I should also mention that Rick Perry who was the winner, was not really wanted as the governor but because the rest of the votes were so split between the other guys, he won. Well this is all just an exercise in futility for me because I can never be president anyway.
campaign chair, Former Democratic Party Chairman Terry McAuliffe, he was the Party Chairman during Bill Clinton's administration.
Any way, McAuliff stated that to be even a minor contender that one would have to raise $35,000,000 this year; this number does not include the money needed for 2008!. How can any independent seriously make an attempt to run for the presidency when you need that sort of cash flow? It just somehow doesn't seem right does it? Our government is supposed to, be of the people, by the people, and for the people. How can that be when a minority "of the people" have so much of the money? There are those of you that will argue that anyone can raise money for a campaign, but you have to keep in mind the old adage "you have to spend money to make money". Without a large source of income or winning the lottery how is the average US citizen supposed to procure large sums of cash needed to to get a campaign rolling? Sure, there are plenty of people that run for an elected office without any money but how many actually win? You often hear about the underdog candidate on the news but the story is always presented with such a folksy tone that no-one ends up taking the candidate seriously. Recently Texas had its election for Governor. There were four candidates each with varying amounts in their campaign funds, and the winner was the one with the most money. I should also mention that Rick Perry who was the winner, was not really wanted as the governor but because the rest of the votes were so split between the other guys, he won. Well this is all just an exercise in futility for me because I can never be president anyway.
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